Pros & Cons of Living in Florida

October 7, 2022, 5:09 pm

Living in Florida is a dream for many and for good reason. The Sunshine State is knowing for its great weather, beautiful beaches, and exciting entertainment options. But like any place, there are also some drawbacks. By choosing to live in Florida, one must be ready to accept its pros and cons.


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How to Attract Long-Term Tenants

September 12, 2022, 12:00 am

It’s the goal of every landlord to attract long-term tenants. This is because, among other things, long-term tenants mean having a steady stream of rental income as well as cost savings on rental advertising expenses.

That said, attracting a long-term tenant isn’t always easy. It can be a difficu...

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The ideal tenant is what every Orlando landlord strives to find. That is, a tenant who respects others, looks after their property, abides by the terms of the lease agreement, and above all else, makes timely rent payments. That said, it’s not always easy to find tenants of this caliber, especially...

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Investments aren’t created equal. They all come with different levels of commitment, risks, and outcomes. The right investment will ensure you grow your income over time. But perhaps the million-dollar question is – what kind of investment is right for you?

Stocks and real estate investments are...

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How to Write a Good Property Listing

June 16, 2022, 1:01 pm

Selling a property can be a time-consuming process. Real estate and rental transactions involve more than just matching a property with a buyer or renter.

The process can also include inspections, showings, and constant communication before the deal is closed.

One of the important steps in the...

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