6 Tips On Managing Multi-Family Apartments

November 12, 2018, 12:00 am

One of the best ways of generating passive income is by renting out an apartment. And, as with any other business, for your investment to be successful you need to be a good manager.

Managing multi-family apartments is more than just filling vacancies and checking in on tenants. If you don’t posse...

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There are numerous ways to maximize your profits from a rental property. With the right strategy, rather than sitting back and waiting for the monthly rent to come in, you can increase the value of your property. You’ll then be able to generate more money, have high-quality renters and never deal...

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You’re probably aware by now that a low tenant turnover rate equates to higher generation of income from rental payments. On the other hand, having a high tenant turnover rate means that you need to spend more time, effort, and money searching for tenants who will rent the property.

There are vari...

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In Florida, practically every landlord requires a security deposit. A tenant gives it to the landlord as proof of intent. It signals that they will cover any damages and pay rent as per the terms of the lease agreement.

The Florida security deposit laws are contained under the statewide landlord-...

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Orlando is a beautiful city known for its breathtaking and scenic public parks. They provide the best spots for recreational activities while in the city and its environs.

Are you looking for somewhere nice and quiet to spend your weekend afternoons? Somewhere to have a picnic and mingle with natu...

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